Viviana Salazar Vidal (Vivi)
Short biography:
Born in Curanilahue, Biobío Region, she is a nature lover and for years passionate about the study of mushrooms, with a deep vocation to teach. He has always had great affection for animals, but when he was studying Biology at the University of Concepción, she fell in love with mushrooms and that love has strengthened over time.
University studies:
Degree in Education, Professor of Natural Sciences and Biology, Degree in Biology, Biologist with a major in Biodiversity and Conservation, Master in Forest Sciences graduated from the University of Concepción.
Areas of interest:
Biodiversity, taxonomy, ecology and conservation of the macro-fungi that inhabit our country, with an emphasis on edible wild species associated with the native forests of Chile. She combines field work, microscopy and the transfer of knowledge about the Fungi Kingdom to the general public, either as an environmental educator and scientific communicator.
Geographical distribution:
Curanilahue, Región del Biobío, Chile.
Asociación Micológica Carlos Spegazzini (AMCS), South American Mycorrhizal Research Network, British Mycological Society (BMS), International Mycological Association (IMA), Red Iberoamericana de Investigadores en Micología (RIIMICO) y es co-fundadora de la Asociación Micológica de Chile (AMICH).
- Scholarship to study the career of Pedagogy. Mineduc Grant, Ministry of Education, Chile.
- Scholarship to study the career of Biology. Mineduc Grant, Ministry of Education, Chile.
- Scholarship to carry out Master's studies. Conicyt Grant, Ministry of Education, Chile.
- Recognition for his work in research and development of Mycology in Chile. I Chilean Mycology Meeting (2019). Faculty of Sciences, University of Chile.
- Scholarship to carry out doctoral studies. Conicyt Grant, Ministry of Education, Chile.
Feel the forest, capture moments and nature through photographs, read, write, draw, paint, create educational materials, design web pages, edit videos, dance, listen to music, watch documentaries and movies.