Macrofungi are those fungi and Myxomycetes (Protista Kingdom) that form fruiting bodies larger than 2 mm and that we can observe with the naked eye ( Senn-Irlet et al. 2007). Most of these fungi live associated with the surrounding vegetation, fulfilling important ecological functions, being decomposers of dead organic matter (saprotrophs), parasites on living tissues of plants or animals and mutualistic symbionts that form mycorrhizae with the absorbent roots of some trees.
Although the knowledge about these organisms in Chile has been increasing in recent years, there are still many species to discover and much work to do in educational terms that allow access to this information.

Lichens are organisms that arise from the symbiosis between a fungus, and an alga or cyanobacteria, therefore, they represent a new form of life, morphologically different from an alga or a fungus, but which is part of the Fungi Kingdom. They are one of the most common elements to observe in the Chilean landscape, extending from the northern desert to the subantarctic islands and from the Andes Mountains to sea level. Due to the importance that this group has for man, it seems necessary to significantly increase the taxonomic and systematic knowledge of Chilean lichens ( Redón 1985 ), which is still insufficient.
The majority of the photographs have been determined by Dr. Jorge Redón and we have also received help from Dr. Reinaldo Vargas and Camilo Vera.

Meet our mycophographers, their wonderful photographs allow people to know the most fascinating species of macrofungi and lichens present in Chile. They are part of our community and we are honored that they are an important part of NGO Micófilos and each person who follows us.